How to Get a Woman to Pick You Up (REVERSE PICK UP)

A man can literally make a pretty woman try to pick him up, by using what I call a REVERSE PICK UP. This bold, but highly effective approach makes a pretty woman want to turn on her charms and try to win you over, in order to get a chance with YOU. Best of all, she LOVES you for it. She also feels lucky to be getting your attention and interest, which then motivates her to treat you well, contribute to the conversation and begin opening herself up to kissing, sex and a relationship. You can continue that dynamic when in a relationship by simply remembering that it was you who gave her a chance with you and not the other way around. Unfortunately, some guys are worried about using a technique, or what they might see as a ‘mind game’ to get a woman to pick them up. However, the reality is that women use techniques on men ALL THE TIME and as a result, women are usually in the position of power in the dating scene and in relationships. Using the Reverse Pick Up approach is simply about switching roles and putting yourself in the position of power, so she feels compelled to chase you, impress you and win you over. You then let her have a chance with you. Important: As I mention at the end of the video, not all women react in the same way. Some women will react to this technique by showing you loads of interest and even touching you in a sexual way (see the photos of me with women near the end of the video). However, other women will maintain their cool and try not to seem too keen or eager, but will stick with the interaction because they want to get a chance to be with you. With women like that, you simply need to continue attracting her, connecting with her and moving the interaction forward towards a kiss, sex or date. By the way… If you want to learn my BEST EVER techniques for attracting and picking up women that I’ll never be able to share on YouTube, then I recommend that read my eBook The Flow or listen to the audiobook version, The Flow on Audio. The Flow eBook: The Flow on Audio: The Flow is the easiest way to get laid or get a girlfriend. I used what I teach in The Flow to enjoy my choice of pretty women for more than 10 years, before settling down with my perfect girl. You may have seen guys leaving comments under my other videos on Youtube about the amazing experiences they’ve had using The Flow. Hopefully, guys will leave some success story comments under this video as well. However, in the meantime, here are some success stories that have been sent to me from customers of The Flow via my website: Enjoy the great times ahead with women! Cheers Dan Bacon
Founder, The Modern Man
Secrets to Success With Women

The Modern Man: The Secret to Success With Women

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