A relationship can quickly go from good to bad, if a man begins to display needy behavior on a regular basis. It doesn’t matter how well things were going between the couple, how good the sex has been or how unique of a connection they have. If a man becomes needy, he becomes unattractive to his woman. It’s as simple as that. Of course, there are some women (usually unattractive, manipulative or mentally unwell women) who like it when a guy is needy for them, but I’m talking about quality, attractive women here. If you get into a relationship with a quality, attractive woman who doesn’t have to put up with less because loads of other men would love to be with her, then you need to know how to continue being attractive in the relationship over time. It’s not enough to just get the relationship started off well (e.g. nice dates, fun times) and then hope that she never leaves you because the sex was good at the start, or because you seem to get along well. For a relationship to remain happy, in love and last for life, you must know how to be attractive throughout the relationship, not just at the start. Thankfully, it is ***NOT*** hard work to be attractive throughout a relationship with a woman. Instead, it’s one of the EASIEST things you will ever do in life. You simply need to understand the subtle things that attract and turn off a woman in a relationship and then do what is attractive. Men from all walks of life are able to do what is attractive to a woman in a relationship, regardless of their looks or success in life. Likewise, some men who are successful in life and seem to have it all, often end up getting dumped or divorced again and again. Why? What you do OUTSIDE of the relationship is not what keeps it together for life. Instead, it’s what you do INSIDE the relationship (i.e. your behavior, how you react to her, how you get her to behave around you, the power dynamic you create with her) that counts the most. Sure, it’s great to work hard and attempt to succeed in life, or make yourself look good physically. There’s nothing wrong with those things. However, if you don’t know how to be attractive in the relationship (e.g. you become needy, insecure or clingy), she will naturally stop feeling attracted to you and then, all sorts of problems will emerge (i.e. she stops feeling respect for you, loses interest, stops being as affectionate as she used to, threatens to leave, becomes distant, etc). It just doesn’t matter how well things started off. What matters is how you and her feel as the relationship continues (i.e. attracted, in love, mutually respectful, connected). Being attractive in a relationship and keeping the love alive is something that you CAN understand and do as a man. It is VERY easy to do once you understand how it works. By the way… If you’ve struggled to maintain your attractiveness in a relationship with a woman and need some help, I highly recommend that you watch my program Make Her Love You For Life: Make Her Love You For Life teaches you how to make a woman feel sexually attracted to you, respect you and be totally in love with you when in a relationship. I recorded the program after being with my wife for over 5 years. We’ve now been together for 9 years and even though the relationship felt amazing back then, it’s even better now. THAT is what is possible with a relationship. You really can achieve that in a relationship and when you do, it’s the best feeling in the world on a daily basis. You are in love with her and she is in love with you. It’s such a fulfilling, secure feeling and both of you never get tired of it because of how great it feels and how rewarding it is (i.e. you both feel loved, wanted, happy, secure). To your relationship success! Cheers, Dan Bacon
Founder, The Modern Man
Secrets to Success With Women
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