The old technique of just waiting and hoping that an ex will come back (i.e. using the No Contact Rule to cut off contact for 30 to 60 days and just wait) has always been a very hit-and-miss method for getting an ex back. Now, in 2023, it has become even less effective than ever before. In today’s world, a woman can get on a dating app and instantly begin getting matches with good looking men who want to date her and have sex with her right now. Within 24 hours, she can be going on dates with confident, good looking men that she can use to help herself get over the breakup with you. If she happens to date or have sex with a man that she finds more attractive, appealing and enjoyable to be around than you, then she might decide to get into a relationship with him and move on. Meanwhile, if you just sit around waiting and hoping she will come back while using the outdated No Contact Rule, then you will have to put up with feeling stressed, insecure, depressed and worried for 30 to 60 days. Then, when you find out that she has moved on without you and isn’t going to come running back just because you didn’t contact her, you might also feel rejected and heartbroken for the second time (i.e. the first was when she dumped you). So, if you want to get your ex back in 2023, don’t waste time using an outdated, ineffective technique (i.e. cut off contact for 30 to 60 days and hope that she comes back) that most women are aware of and that rarely, if ever, works. If you want to get her back, you need to: 1. Quickly learn new ways to attract her during an interaction (whether that interaction is via text, on a call, in person – or all of those).
2. Contact her. 3. Make her feel new sparks of attraction for you. When you do that (most guys can get it done within 3 to 7 days), she will instantly realize that her feelings for you aren’t dead. She will then begin to worry that if she doesn’t give you another chance, you will easily be able to attract new women and will move on without her. She will then feel like the one who has been rejected and left behind. So, to avoid that potential pain, she immediately opens up to seeing you again, having sex or getting back together. You can then get her back. That is (and always has been) the BEST way to get an ex woman back. If you want to learn exactly how to do it, I recommend that you watch my program, Get Your Ex Back Super System: Enjoy all the love, sex and beautiful moments when you get her back within the next week! Cheers
Dan Bacon
Founder of and creator of Get Your Ex Back Super System P.S. If it takes you a little longer than a week to get her back, don’t stress. As long as you make her feel new sparks of attraction, she will lose interest in being with other men and be thinking about you, missing you and worrying about being left behind by you. That way, you are in control of the ex back process and aren’t just helplessly waiting around and hoping that she magically comes back for no reason. Give her a reason to come back and she will. Enjoy!
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